Saturday, April 3, 2010

My Stuff

Hello friends,

My buddy and his girlfriend (or should I say X girlfriend) that I have been stayin' with over on the west side are splittin' the sheets. Well, not exactly 'splittin', more like steelin' each others stuff. As a matter of fact they have been so busy steelin' each others stuff that they forgot to watch their stuff, so now they each have the other ones stuff and none of their own stuff. She has his multi meter and he has her make-up. He has her TV and she has his car (
which she stole last night cause she totaled hers trying to follow him on the highway) She destroyed the safe that he had borrowed from me (that means it was my safe) And in the proses I have lost my Sony flat screen monitor, 32' flat screen TV, Walter P-380 pistol, surveillance camera, my watch, and a box of checks. Fortunately, I still have my Kimber 1911 Ultra Carry II, which I'm gonna show some one real soon if I don't get my shit back. Remember what Ronnie Van Zant of Lynyrd Skynyrd said? "I'm tellin' you son. That it ain't no fun, starin' straight down a .44" Well, I don't have a .44 I have a .45 and some west side crack head is gonna wind up on the business end it soon enough. Tweekin', mullet wearin', toothless, inbreed, Dale Earnhardt lovin', Metallica lisnin', high school dropin' out, bunch of worthless fucks. I WANT MY STUFF BACK!!!

You know what job I want? I want to be a 12th grade teacher on the west side. How sweet would that be? Hell, the parents over there are proud if there kids make it through 10th grade with out ODin' or being arrested. Stupid, non tooth brushin', Jiffy Lube workin', welfare gittin', 5 kid havin', junky car drivin', no insurance havin', bags of monkey shit.

Kimber Ultra Carry II

This is how I feel.



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