Thursday, April 22, 2010


Hello friends,

Here is letter number two (2) to Youtube. I guess the first one (1) didn't get their attention.

Guter Tag,

Me again. Have you guys decided to put my video back yet? I wish you would just admit you were wrong and put it back where it was. Did you geniuses even watch my video? Tell me what parts were "offensive" so I will not make the same mistake in the future, because I don't know. I sure don't want to get another Community Strike, oh the shame! I bet if you tell me what parts that you consider "offensive" I can find ten (10) worse examples that are on Sietuben...sorry, I mean Youtube. I think you should browse around your site a bit. I'll help, check out 'hot ass' or 'big ass' or 'ass shakin' or 'butt shakin' or 'bubble butt' or 'bubble ass' or 'bubble ass butt' or 'double bubble ass butt', or' 'double bubble ass butt shakin' or just plain ol' ass butt'. Check it out and kick them all off, please. That should take about 3 months. When your done, I will give you some more. I will be your personal Storm trooper!

Alle Für Das Heimatland

Auf Wiedersehen

PS Could you let me know when my video is back up. Danke.

I always take things a bit to far.


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