Thursday, March 25, 2010

Johnny Blitz and The Dead Boys

___________________The Dead Boys
Clockwise from top left corner is Johnny Blitz, Stiv Bators, Cheetah Chrome, Jimmy Zero, and Jeff Magnum.

Hello friends,

I just came across this old video of the Dead Boys doin' a song called 'Ain't it Fun'. The cat that put the video on You Tubes name is Johnny Blitz77. Now, everybody knows that Johnny Blitz was the drummer for the Dead Boys, that goes with out saying, but I don't know if it is the same Johnny Blitz. I'm gonna pretend that it is the real Johnny Blitz, and that were friends and he is always askin' me for advice on things and that
I'm always bummin' dope from him. Who ever it is tho, put a bushel of DB songs on there. Right on and keep it up.

Now back in 1912, Me, Dave 'Church-well' Churchwell (
drums), Kirk 'Mr. Fit' Rankin (guitar), and Ruff Ruff That's Not Original (bass...kinda) played in what is probably the greatest, and at the same time, the worst band in Tulsa, 'The Vivisectionists' We usta play 'Ain't it Fun' to the enjoyment and entertainment of literally tens of people. I hadn't heard it in years. Man, all the memories it brought back, that hot summer, laughing non stop, Bongo Sillys, any who, a bonanza of pennies, laughing until I cried, being young and indestructible, punk rock, Kirk being M.I.A., writing 'The Vivisectionists Suck' in big letters on the Dance Cafe bathroom wall, more laughing, the Ramones, and being naive enough to believe that dreams can come true. I still love this song. Man, life was a blast back then.....I think.

Here are Stiv, Cheetah, Johnny, Jimmy, and Jeff...The Dead Boys and 'Ain't It Fun'

Ain't it fun when you're always on the run
Ain't it fun when your friends despise what you've become
Ain't it fun when you get so high that you, well you just can't cum
Ain't it fun when you know that you're gonna die young
It's such fun... such fun

Ain't it fun when you're taking care of number one
Ain't it fun when you feel like you just gotta get a gun
Ain't it fun when you j.j.j. just can't seem to find your tongue
Cause you stuck it to deep into something that really stung
It's such fun

Well somebody come up to me they spit right in my face
But I didn't even feel it, it was such a disgrace
I punched my fist right through the glass
But I didn't even feel it, it all happened so fast
It's such fun, such fun, such...

Ain't it fun when you tell her she's just a cunt
Ain't it fun when she splits and leaves you the bum
Ain't it fun when you've broken up every band that you've ever begun
Ain't it fun when you know that you're gonna die young
It's such fun, such fun, such...
Having a real fun time, such fun, such fun
No Fun

We also did the second song on this clip 'Ain't Nothin' To Do'. 'Son Of Sam' is the first tune. Great song.

Here is Cheetah Chrome of the Dead Boys(one of my guitar heros, and I don't mean that stupid game) now-a-days doin' a Gibson Guitar commercial. This maybe the best commercial of all time....well....except for that "Wheres the beef?" one, of course.

Well, I gotta head over to Johns house now, I guess he's got some problem that he needs my help with.


PS ~ That old blue haired bat still cracks me up.

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