Tuesday, April 20, 2010

YouTube Nazis

Hello friends,

Do me a favor. Scroll down to the Alex Chilton story and click on the 3rd video 'Bangkok' for me. I'll wait....la ta de la ta da dooby dooby dooo...Ok, what did you see? I'll tell you what you saw, nothin', thats what. You see, I made that video, thank you very much, and Youtube yanked it from the site. This is what I saw when I tried lo log on to my Youtube account ~

The following video(s) from your account have been disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines: •Bangkok - (ep13)
Most nudity is not allowed on YouTube, particularly if it is in a sexual context. Videos that are intended to be sexually provocative are also generally not acceptable for YouTube. There are exceptions for some educational, documentary and scientific content, but only if that is the sole purpose of the video and it is not sexually gratuitous.
Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the termination of your account.
Date Received: April 18, 2010

There was a little box at the bottom for me to click that said 'I acknowledge'. I didn't click it.

Here was my response to Youtube ~

Dear YouTube,

You bunch of SS wearing hypocrites. You jack boot my video for being offensive? Have you looked around your site, you bunch of blinder wearing Nazis. Hell, every clip I got for the video was off of YouTube, you idiots. Talk about offensive, how about that Prussian Blue 'Victory Day' music video or 'Anti American Animated Films on Iranian TV' or '9/11 CONSPIRACY: A CONTROLLED DEMOLITION DESTROYED THE WTC!!!' or 'White Noise - I Hate N...Mondays' or 'No Remorse - Deutschland'? And you gassed my Alex Chilton video for being offensive? Thank you for saving the world with your version of what is morale and what is not. Hitler tried to do the same thing.

"Videos that are intended to be sexually provocative are also generally not acceptable for YouTube. There are exceptions for some educational, documentary and scientific content, but only if that is the sole purpose of the video and it is not sexually gratuitous."

But it's OK to be a hate monger. What a joke!

"Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike..."

Oh no!!! Will that go on my permanent record along with skipping Mr. Tuckers math class in the 7th grade?

Stomp on the Constitution of the United States of America some more, Adolf.

Sieg Heil,

PS Does YouTube consider 'fuck you' to be offensive?

I guess that'll teachum' to mess with me, by God.

Here are a few clips that didn't get canned by Youtube. I'm not gonna show the racist videos. I won't give those pricks the honor of being on my site.


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