Monday, April 26, 2010

Velvet Revolver vs American Idol

------------------------------ Velvet Revolver
Hello friends,

Along time ago, in another life, this chick I knew was making me watch American Idol. Now, those of you who know me, know how I feel about American Idol, but she wanted me to see something that would change my mind. Bo Bice. Bo Bice? Well, I watched Bo Bice and thought I was gonna puke. I looked at her and was completely amazed that she was so incredibly stupid to think I would like that shit. Fla-ber-gass-ted. That's what I was. Bo Bice. "He rocks!" she said. "He sucks!" I shot back. Well, later that evening, this was on Leno.

What perfect timing. Now, it's not that I'm a huge Velvet Revolver fan, but everything about this clip bleeds rock and roll. From Scott dancing around to Slash hopping around in circles. But when Slash put his foot up on the monitor, I looked at her and said "Are you watching this? That's rock and roll. Can't you see the difference between that and Bo Bice? Don't you get it?" She didn't get it....and later that evening, neither did I.


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