Monday, May 3, 2010

Letter #3

Hello friends,

Well, here is letter #3 to Youtube. Dig this.

Dear Youtube,

--I'm back for the third time to inform you that my 'Bangkok' video has not been put back.
I have received no word from you about when it will be in operating condition again or what was wrong with the video in the first place. I believe I have been very patient concerning this matter, but you f**kers are starting to piss me off. So, put my g*d d**ned video back, you sons a b**thes, put it back! Pretty please with sugar on top, you scum sucking, piss drinking, dog f**king, short d**ked, s**t eating, buckets of monkey c*m, put it back!! I am about through being polite for f**ks sake. Christ almighty, just do what the hell I tell you to do. PUT IT BACK!!!


Except I didn't have any stars on the e-mail I sent. Those jackasses are gettin' on my last nerve.

Watch this.


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