Monday, May 17, 2010

A Question For You

Hello friends,

You know, I understand that I am responsible for my actions, and that 95% of everything bad that happens to me is because of something that I have done. But that doesn't necessarily mean that for every wrong or bad action there is a repercussion. Our days are full of wrong or bad actions, for instance, say a man (Bo Ziffer) walks across the street with out looking and get hit by a bus full of nuns. Action (walking across the street) = repercussion (hit by nuns) right? OK, now let's say if a different man (Ben Wafflehowser) walks across the same street with out looking and doesn't get hit by anything. Action (walking across the street) = ??? (No repercussion) right? So why is it that the Bo Ziffers of the world, it seems, are always getting hit by buses full of nuns, and the Ben Wafflehowsers of the world, it seems, don't get hit by shit? Hell, some Ben Wafflehowsers not only make it across the street with out a scratch, but find a 20 dollar bill on the sidewalk that some Bo Ziffer has lost, all the while cars and dump trucks and buses full of nuns crash and collide all around him. I, on the other hand, am one of those guys that gets hit by the bus full of nuns while I'm standing there oblivious, pushin' that button that is suppose to change the traffic light (but never does) 100 times like a machine gun. Push-push-push-push-push (Come onnnn) push-push-push (For the love of God, please) push-push (Somebody yells "Look out for that bus full of nuns. It's out-a-control!") Push-push-push- (I yell back "It doesn't seem to be workin', I'll push it some more!") push-push ('What was he say'un?', I think to myself) push-push-push-pu-CRASH! BOOM!! (MY SPLINE!!) BANG!!! SMASH!!!! Silence, except for the sound of one lone hub cap spinnin' on the pavement. The carnage is horrific. I lay there maimed and broken, in the midst of the twisted steel and leaking gasoline, mumbling the Gettysburg Address and holding my busted right arm out, my bloody hand in a fist with my snapped in two places index finger crookedly extended, moving it back and forth like I was pushin' that damn button. It's a pathetic sight friends, pathetic. The point I'm tryin' to make, let's see...the point is...ahh...Hell, I forgot the stupid point I was tryin' to make, damn it. I hate it when I do that, sorry....Hold on, I remember, the point I was makin' is take the bus. Yeah, it saves the ozone, helps not pollute the air, saves precious fuel, you can meet nice people, and will mean less traffic on the streets, that way I can zip around town freely in my car and won't have to worry about traffic jams or lines at the gas station. That's my point......i think.

Here's one you haven't heard. This guy was standin' in the street darin' the buss full of nuns to run over him...and they did too...twice. He was a drug addict, an alcoholic, and known to commit acts of violence (Mainly with a baseball bat) and those are the kind of traits I like in my rock stars. This song was released in 1958. It's Ronnie Self screamin' Bop-A-Lena.


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