Friday, February 5, 2010

9/11 Conspiracy Questions

Hello friends,

I watched this show the other day about how the United States government was responsible for the terror attacks on 9/11. I watched some snot nosed kid, who made some crappy You Tube movie, and a few other crack pots go back and forth with a professor from M.I.T. and the head of engineering at Purdue University. Now, since I'm not so smart as y'all, I have a couple of question I wish some one would clear up for me.

1) These bone heads, who call them selves 'truthers' (
is that grammatically correct?) say that a plane wasn't flown in to the Pentagon, rather that it was hit with a cruise missile. Now my question is, how and where did the government murder all the passengers and crew of flight 77? And how did they stuff the bodies into the building after the explosion or did they covertly plant them in there before it blew up? I think some one would have noticed a truck load of corpses being delivered, don't you?

2) The truthers claim that the planes that hit the twin towers were remote control and the buildings were brought down by a 'controlled demolition'. Wouldn't it have been easier to leave the planes out of the equation and just say that Mohammad Atta put a bomb in the janitors closet or down in the pump room?

3) And as far as the 'controlled demolition' is concerned, they say the reason there were no detonators found was because the government used some secrete explosive device that nobody knows about. Well....I hate to look stupider, but how the hell do they know about it if nobody knows about it?

4) They say that Flight 93 was faked. I guess they murdered those guys at the same place as the cats from Flight 77, but what I don't get is, why fake a crash in a field? Why wouldn't you crash it in to something important also?

5) Here is a good one, aren't fellas from M.I.T. and Purdue more smarter than a gaggle of blithering idiots?

6) And lastly, how is it that all the people involved in this thing can keep there fat traps shut? I don't know one person that can keep a secrete, much less hundreds.

Well friends, I hope someone out there can help me out with this.

You know, I think that some people are afraid to think that something as horrific as the actions that occurred on 9/11 could be as simple as some asshole flying a plane into a building. They don't want to believe it could be that easy. Because, if it is that easy, then whats gonna happen tomorrow?

Here is a song about flying on plane.


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