Wednesday, February 10, 2010

'Drowning In The Shallow End Of The Dream Pool' Part 1

Hello friends,

Well, here is a bit of the rough draft from the dumb ol' book I'm
writin' 'Drowning In The Shallow End Of The Dream Pool'.


So here I am, standing at the crossroads of my life...well, actually I'm standing in front of the Cricket phone payment center, waiting for it to open. Some how my unlimited calls for $49.00 has turned into unlimited calls for 230 smackers. I'm not sure how this is gonna pan out, but you can bet your bottom dollar I will end up on the short end of the stick by the time this fiasco is over with. You know, I got a cricket phone cause 1) it was unlimited calls, text, and long distance for one set price, and 2) cause the Cricket joint was right by my house, and it would have taken a little effort to go some where else. At that time I didn't realize that a persons social status could be based on their cell phone provider, but apparently it can. I couldn't understand why, until after I got a gander at the freak show waiting to get in to that place (I always pay my bill by phone so I don't get to hang out here much) It appears that theory has got some merit slapped on it. Christ, am I one of them? I feel like a cross between Albert Einstein and Brad Pitt in that group of side show oddities. And friends let me tell you, I'm not smart or good lookin'. So now, this has got me to thinkin' (Were back to the crossroads thing now. Try and keep up, please) I am at the lowest level, of the bottom level, of my life levels. No job, my relationship is on the skids, I'm broke, my truck is worn out, I am over weight, and on and on and so forth. So, I am giving myself one year to get my life back in order. This book will be my journal for the next 12 months, to see if I can turn things around. The way I see it, I don't have much choice. So friends, I'm givin' you a ticket to witness, first hand, my flight over the rainbow and ascend in to the heavens or to watch a crappy ol' farm house mash me into the ground while a bunch of midgets dance the merengue. Let's all see how this whole mess I have created is gonna turn out, shall we?
(This is kinda like watching Evil Knievel jump over a bunch of buses or somethin'. You know he has a chance to make it, but in back of your mind you know he will probably wind up rupturing his spline and telescoping his stupid spine)

Oh, by the way, the Cricket people made a mistake on my phone bill and I didn't owe the 230 bucks after all. Things are lookin' up already!


Here is a little song for y'all.


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