Friday, February 19, 2010

The I.R.S Stormtroopers

Stand by for a word from the head of the Internal Revenue Service
You must pay your estimated taxes quarterly but not in equal quarters, the first quarter will only be 2 months, which doesn't really make it a quarter, but we will call it a quarter even tho it's not. Don't screw this up or you will pay for it for the rest of your life.

Hello Friends,

Just a note about A. Joseph Stack III. He's the half-wit that flew a Piper PA-28 (
that's a teeny tiny little four seat plane) into the IRS building in Austin, TX. I guess that Joe wrote some long drawn out manifesto to explain why he was doing this and how he hated the I.R.S. You know, it seems that no one really noticed Joe when he was alive, so why would he think we would listen to him after he joined the choir invisible? I can sum up his rambling rant in three words for y'all. I'll make it real simple. Ready? He's an ijit! There you go, easy as you please.

Joe wrote 'the only thing that matters is a body count', or something along those lines. Well, Joe got a whopping two bodies to count...if you count his stupid mangled corpse, that is. It seems he is a big a screw up in death as he was in life. Let me break it down for you, you see, a Boeing 767 (
like the one that hit tower one) holds about 30,000 gallons of fuel...give or take. A Piper PA-28 holds roughly 50 gallons. Now, I am not a smart man but even my little pea brain can do the math here. Also, the plane that hit tower one was going about 500 mph. A PA-28 does about 148 mph. It's a good thing that Stack wasn't smart enough to pick a better way to get a 'body count'. It sucks the he killed a guy. I don't know who he was, but he was probably just some poor sap who was just tiring to get by like the rest of us. You accomplished nothing Joe, you moron. Well....I guess you did do one thing good, now the world is less one stupid person, and I don't mean the other guy.

Now, as far as the I.R.S. is put it bluntly... they're a bunch of Nazis. If you have ever had them on your ass, your in trouble man. Butchers! I understand how Joe Stack felt cause I've been there. Those f**kers will beat you and beat you and beat down and wont let you up. It doesn't matter how bad you want to fix the situation, they give you no options except getting deeper in the hole. It is the worst feeling in the world when there seems to be no way out. You can't sleep at night. It makes you sick to your stomach. You are constantly being crushed by the weight of helplessness and despair, but flying a Piper into the I.R.S. office is not the answer. I don't know what the answer is, but it ain't that. That much I do know.


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