Friday, February 26, 2010

Eddy and Arrvest Bank Throw Down!

Hello friends,

The gloves are of and anything goes. You see, I deposited a check from and investment company last Tuesday. On Wednesday I called the bank to get my balance to make sure that their numbers jived with mine. Low and behold, I'm over drawn. What?!?! It seems that my wonderful bank put a hold on the check until March 4th, (
The deposit was on February 24th) but they didn't tell me. They have never held a check of mine before with out letting me know about it. Now, not getting any satisfaction from the gal I was talking to, I asked to talk to her boss. The nice lady told me that her boss would tell me the same thing...which he did. So, I asked to talk to his boss, who was conveniently out of the office. Soooo, I called back this morning. The boss was busy, I was told. Sooooooo, I asked to talk to the bosses boss. That dude says "But that is the regional president". "Perfect!" I said "That sounds like a cat who can get things done!" I told him. He puts me on hold for a while then tells me that his secretaries line is busy. Busy??? "I'll hold" I told him. Now I'm on hold for about 5 minutes when that fella comes back on and asked me what my phone number was so that they could have him (Mr. Bigshot) call me back.

I'm still waiting. I figure that eventually somebody won't want my dumb ass to talk to their boss and they will release my damn check. We'll see.

If I do get to talk to the 'regional president', I think I'm gonna ask him if he digs Rory Gallagher...which he will...cause...well...doesn't everybody?

Arrvest come out to play-yay!


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