Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Activia, Nutrisystem, and the Snake

--------------------------Kenny 'the Snake' Stabler

Hello Friends,

My pop has a plethora of sayings, and two of them are ~
1) Ignorance runs ramped.
B) There are more stupid people than there are smart people.
ou may fall in to this category, so pay attention )

For example, if you don't know what a word or phrase means, then ask some one or look it up. Just because Activia yogurt has 'Bifidus Regularis' doesn't mean it's good for you. Hell, for all you know, Bifidus Regularis, could be Latino for a bunch of mashed up worms or somethin'. Or that Nutrisystem uses the 'glisemic index'. What the hell is that? That sounds like something I was suppose to do on my senior term paper...but didn't.

Don't fall for the "It's real man food" B.S. If Danny boy Marino was a real man he would have won a Super Bowl. You wouldn't catch Kenny Stabler doing a Nutrisystem commercial...unless they start a cocaine and hooker program
(Count me in, Snake!)
Also, it looks like Lawrence Taylor is back on crack....it's sad.

If some diet plan, money makin' scheme, or fancy work out gizmo tells you that "It's easy!" or "You can eat what ever you want!" or "Good as new!" or "Make a million dollars for doing nothing!" or "Lose weight while watching TV!" or "Get your bachelors degree in physics in three weeks, on-line!" or "Works in seconds and holds up to 1000 pounds!" or "We can't do this all day!" or "I lost 127 bounds in 8 minutes!" or "And now, because I attended Shifties get rich seminar, I earn $15,000.00 every half hour!" or "It can't fail, it has 'Lowsiferius Bluclride Fossfate' added!" or "I got this rock hard stomach by eating lard and playing peaknuckle with the boys!" or "Don't accept imitations. These are real Diamells" or "Buy this, you idget!", if they say one of those, don't buy it.

Remember, just because they "double" the offer, doesn't mean it's a good deal. As a matter of fact, two pieces of crap are worse than one piece of crap.

New and improved? How the hell can it be 'new' AND 'improved'? And what were you selling me before, a sub par product?

Don't be stupid! If you think that the girls on those late night chat line commercials are the girls you'll be a chatin' with, then you are not gonna be much help with advancing the human race.

THINK! Question everything. If it sounds to good to be true......
The Snake

When Axl Rose told Kurt Cobain he was going to "take him to the pavement" back stage at the MTV Music Awards Show (Kurt was holding his new born daughter at the time) Lar's (the guitar player with the yellow shirt) said "What abut me, Hansel?". Axl bowed up and Lars knocked one of his (Axl's) front teeth out.
This is Rancid bangin' 'Time Bomb'

Hell's bells, that sounded so good I'm gonna play another.
Here is 'Salvation'
"Cool baby, won't you show me what you got, yeah?"


Next time your having a boys night out and some smokin' hot dolly is hittin' on you and acts like everything you say is interesting, remember these words.....Check-A-Mate.

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