Thursday, June 18, 2009


aaaaa Official Oklahoma Dumpster Pussycats Caught By Eddy

The following is a paid advertisement by Eddy Amigo.

Hello friends,

Guess what,cats and kittens? *what?* There is a new trend goin' round. It seems that all the cool daddy-0's and real gone dolls are getting them selves something wild and far-out. From Beverly Hills to Broadway, the hip and trendy are standing in line and forking over piles of dough to own a real life, back alley, street fightin', dumpster pussycat. Michael Jordon has one. So does Oprah. Brad and Angelina have three and Bill Gates has one with a gimpy leg named Sweet Peeair that cost over $300,000.00! And now, because of a miscalculation by the breeder, and for a limited time, you can own your own Official Oklahoma Dumpster Pussycat Caught By Eddy (OODPCBE) for nothing. That's right, nothing!! And if you call in the next 20 minutes, because I can't do this all day, as a bonus I'm gonna double the offer. Is that's right? *yup* Well, OK. That's two (2) Official Oklahoma Dumpster Pussycat Caught By Eddy (OODPCBE) for the price of one. Which is nothin'. Not available in stores.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBath time for the babies
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaThe death grip on my thumb

You know, I hate Billy Mays. Hate him with a passion. Why is he always yelling at everyone? And did he color his beard with a Sharpe? Haaaaate him! I will admit that OxiClean is bad ass tho.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaPussycats just looooove Tracy
Speakin' of cats, here are three of the coolest cats of all time. These guys were the first. Back when rock-n-roll was dangerous. Before the record companies culled them out and replaced them with watered down, pretty boys that parents would approve of.

One of my all time fav-0-rite songs

Oklahoma's own

These cats were the first guys to tear up hotel rooms, get into drunkin' brawls, and have girls pulled from the audience during the show and taken back stage the band


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