Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Andrew Wyeth ~ 'Christina's World'

Hello friends,

I came across this web page that had this blog written by Vannrox. Since I am a bit slow, I had to read it a couple of times to understand what Vannrox meant. This is what was written.

"...The art of painting, one of the greatest traditions in all of human history has been under a merciless and relentless assault for the last one hundred years. I'm referring to the accumulated knowledge of over 2500 hundred years, spanning from Ancient Greece to the early Renaissance and through to the extraordinary pinnacles of artistic achievement seen in the High Renaissance, 17th century Dutch, and the great 19th century Academies of Europe and America. These traditions, just when they were at their absolute zenith, at a peak of achievement, seemingly unbeatable and unstoppable, hit the twentieth century at full stride, and then ... fell off a cliff, and smashed to pieces on the rocks below. Since World War I the contemporary visual arts as represented in Museum exhibitions, University Art Departments, and journalistic art criticism became little more than juvenile, repetitive exercises at proving to the former adult world that they could do whatever they damn well wanted ... sadly devolving ever downwards into a distorted, contrived and contorted notion of freedom of expression. Freedom of expression? Ironically, this so-called "freedom" as embodied in Modernism, rather than a form of "expression" in truth became a form of "suppression" and "oppression." Modernism as we know it, ultimately became the most oppressive and restrictive system of thought in all of art history..."


Now, I'm not even gonna try to debate this, cause I'm obviously not so smrt on things (and the name Vannrox sounds scary. Scary like something on Star Trek) And Vanny used very long words, most of which I had to look up to figure them out. The only time I use long words is when I make them up to make me look like I'm a thinker. One time I wrote '...but the past evolutionary changes are nothing but parsipical threads to the future' and '...the issues of bending time are irrelevant to the suuduedal theory of nawtrasekel 4' See what I mean? Pretty clever, I must say.

If you went to collage, do you remember that one chick in your class that was 40 something? The one with the long, straight, black hair and bangs, no make up, and pants pulled up to her boobs? She had 23,741 credit hours but no job. She was the self proclaimed intellectual who always had to comment on everything the professor said. She was the one who always had 'something' when the professor would say " If nobody has anything we'll leave early" She always had to 'one up' everyone. Remember her. (I'm sure there are men who do this also, but as far as I could remember it was mostly some dumb ol' girl) I always hated her. I think Vanny is one of those chicks. I bet this hag has never picked up a paint brush except to put Killz over the words 'SHUT UP' that some classmate spray painted on her bumper sticker covered 79 Volvo wagon. And what the hell does Vanny know about art anyway? Art is about expression, not about painting a really good hoot owl in a tree. It's about freedom. It is about bearing your soul. True artist don't care if you like it or not. That's not why they do it. That's why art critics are not artists. I don't believe Andrew Wyeth would agree with Vanny. And believe me, Andy could paint the most kick ass hoot owl if he wanted to. But like I said, I'm not gonna get into a scrap with words when I am so obviously overly out worded. Not me buster. I stay away from people who are a bunch more smarter than me.

At an art show a couple were looking at a painting. The canvas was painted white with a red circle in the lower corner. Unaware that the artist was standing next to them, the lady looked at her husband and said "I could do that". The artist leaned forward and said "But I did".

This one's for Vanny!!!


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