Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Glamor Shot

Hello friends,

I have had a couple of comments about the photograph at the top of the 'How Dumb Do I Look' story. First, I would like to thank some of you for answering that question and letting me know how dumb I actually look. Secondly, yes that is your humble story teller. The photo was taken about 5 years ago by my friends girlfriend at my old apartment. It was about 8:00 AM, one fall morning after I had just returned from a long, wonderful night
hi-jinx, shenanigans, and debauchery (note the bags under my eyes) She was there picking up something for my friend and trying to find out what I did that night. She is one of those nosy chicks that had to be in the middle of everything. It was killing her. I just wanted her to leave so I could go to bed. I love this photo for the fact that the Coca-Cola coffee mug has Coca-Cola soft drink in it was a pure accident. All my glasses were dirty so I used a cup. I didn't realize it was a Coke cup till I got the picture. Isn't that amazing?!?!?! As I was pouring my drink she kept prying, I walked to my bedroom door and lifted my cup as to say 'Adios' and she snapped this photo and I went to bed. I like the way Elvis is back ground, and I think I'm the only guy to ever wear a 'Ramones' T-shirt with a green Cardigan sweeter. And my hair, what a riot. This is what a pompadour looks like 12 hours, a few Bushmills, and a few other things I can't mention, later. It is a funny reminder to a great, great night. And man let me tell you, there ain't much that feels better than crawling in to a clean bed, after being up all night. Not much at all.

Well, Paul McCartney hasn't sent me any tickets yet. I would have thought that after he read my story on the high price of tickets he would have felt bad and sent me a couple, but nope. I know he had to have read it. My blogs are the 3rd most read in the U.S.A. and 8th most read on the other 9 continents. Well Sir Paul, I wouldn't take any tickets from you now even if you through that crappy old Hofner bass in to sweeten the deal. You can kiss my John Lennon lovin' ass.

----------------------------------------This is a Hofner bass

Here is what a Hofner bass sounds like. I won't mention the name of who is playin' it but it is 'beyond the moon' genius.


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