Thursday, August 6, 2009

Cleanin' What I Spill't


Hello friends,

Well, now I went and done it. I was cleaning up something I spill't day before yesterday in the 'Man Cave' (my garage). It was something pretty dern corrosive and my dumb ass knocked it over on some particle board (that's where they take a bunch of little pieces of wood and mash'um all together into one big piece of wood) I was in a hurry so I grabbed a wad of paper towels and was doin' the ol' 'wax on wax off' like Mr. Miyagi on speed when I subsequently shoved a hunk of wood smack dab in the middle of my middle finger on my right hand. My flippin' off finger. Now, the splinter thing is not new to me, this kinda thing happens all the time. So, after I said a few choice words, I dropped the paper towels, and stated to find the splinter to dig it out. Then my hand burst into flames. And not regular flames, these were invisible inferno flames brought up from the depths of Hell by Beelzebub himself and spit on to my finger from his nasty old snuggled toothed mouth. I guess the splinter was coated with that crap I was cleaning up. Good lord friends, I thought I was gonna cry. This was not new to me. And what's worse is, I had to take a knife and slit my finger to get to the splinter that was covered in molten lava and was gushin' in to my veins. So there I was, whackin' and sawin' away at my middle digit with my left hand (I'm right handed), dancin' around in circles, tryin' to get that thing out for cryin' out loud. Well, I finally got it, but it looks like Jack the Ripper gave me a manicure. Now my finger is all swollen up, blue, and sore to beat the band. I'm not even gonna tell you what is comin' out the hole I hacked in my flipper offer. Well, I'll let you all know if my finger falls off. If it does, I'm gonna make a necklace out of it and give it to Tracy for Christmas.
Let's see someone top that.

My finger before the incident.

Here is a couple of songs about the devil.


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