Thursday, August 6, 2009

I Don't Get It

Hello friends,

I came home for lunch today. I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a diet Coke and sat down to check my e-mail. As my home page came up I saw the story about the shooting at the LA Fitness gym in Pennsylvania. It seems this George Sodini character shot the joint up and killed 3 or 4 women (conflicting reports) and wounded from 1 to 15 (more conflicting reports) He shot 36 or 53 rounds from his pistols (again with the conflicting reports) So there's a lot we don't know, but what we do know is that there are people dead. Dead and gone. Forever. And countless lives shattered into a million pieces like busted glass on the pavement. Mothers, fathers, children, friends, co-workers, aunts, uncles, cousins, teachers, etc, etc, etc. Why would someone want to hurt so many? Well, It seems that Georgie couldn't get himself a date with a broad, much less a girl friend, and it looks like he hadn't been laid in years. Sodini complained on his blog site of not having a girlfriend since 1984, not having a date since May 2008 and not having sex for 19 years (what the....?!?!? 19 years!?!?!?!?!)

"Women just don't like me. There are 30 million desirable women in the US (my estimate) and I cannot find one," he wrote in his blog.

I wonder why? Maybe because your a boring loser or have an incredibly small penis or it might be that your a homicidal creep. Ever think of that, jackass? You know, I have seen the stupidest looking dudes with a chick. I have seen fat guys and ugly guys, dimwits and freaks. Hell, I even have a girl friend. How bad do you have to be to not get to saddle up every now and then? Christ, gettin' laid is easy, cause they don't know what a dick you are yet, it's keepin' them that's hard. I can tell you right now, and I don't care who knows this, if I hadn't taken the skin boat to Tuna Town in 19 years I would be on the phone and have me one of those escorts (Prostitute, hooker, workin' girl, lady of the night, street walker, ho, whore, or what ever you want to call them) at my house before you could say Jack Robinson. I would give her the money then I would give her the pounding of her life (3 whole minutes of it) then send her on her merry way. It's simple. But, this mass shootin' shit just boggles my mind. Just because some limp peckered, saddle oxford wearin' sissy didn't get a pony for Christmas when he was 12 or some Star Trek convention goin' numb-nuts mother didn't give him enough attention which in turn made him spy on her in the shower and masturbate on her shoes, gets a gun and takes it out on people who seem to have the world by the tail. Bullshit, they have problems too. We all do, but some of us except responsibility for our problems and don't blame them on everyone else. It's not our fault you wear your mothers dirty underwear and pump your neighbors dog, Sir Barksalot.

So, why is my life so screwed up? Because, I screwed it up, that's why. I did it, not some single mother who is trying to raise her son, make ends meet, and get her life back on track, you stupid mother fucker. So why can't these week, week, buckets of puss and piss stand up, put there balls on, and be a man? Because they are not men. A real man would try to save those lady's. A real man would be their protector. I guess the general consensus was that Sodini wasn't a man, hell he couldn't get a member of the opposite sex to give him a hand job much less fornicate with him. But I will give him this, at least the sorry son-of-a-bitch shot himself. Bravo. He also wrote ~

Maybe soon, I will see God and Jesus. Eternal life does NOT depend on works. If it did, we will all be in hell. Christ paid for EVERY sin, so how can I or you be judged BY GOD for a sin when the penalty was ALREADY paid. People judge but that does not matter. I was reading the Bible and The Integrity of God beginning yesterday, because soon I will see them.

Fuck you. If there is a God, your ass is fricasseed my friend. Deep fried. You think it was tough here, try to find a girlfriend in Hell.

I think about those people that have to go home to an empty house that shouldn't be empty. It is the loneliest place in the world. The sounds of foot steps down the hall or the refrigerator opening, sounds you never think about until silence takes their place. The only sound you can hear is the sound of your heart breaking. Ain't it deafening.

I wrote a song a few years back called 'Strung Out'. It had a couple of lines in it that went ~

"I miss that sweet smell of home.
And it was home cause it smelled like you"

Here is the saddest song in the world..


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