Sunday, March 7, 2010

'Quik Trip' Is The New Donut Shop

Hello friends,

I am sick of all this laying off cops in Tulsa and then givin' them their stupid jobs back. Every body acts like the crime rate will triple if we cut the police fat a bit. Well, maybe we do have to many cops, didja ever think of that? Maybe they were gonna let the ones go who are always hanging out in the 'Quik Trips' givin' me the ol' stink eye when I walk in at night. Maybe they were gonna get rid of the jack ass who acted like I was waisting his time when I got my tail gate stolen (
which they never found I might add) Maybe they were gonna lay of the prick that threatened to throw me I jail just because I questioned why a 'public intoxication' ticket goes on your driving record, even tho my car was in the next county. Hell, I wasn't even drunk. I was given the choice to take what was behind door number one (public intox ticket = 50 bucks) or the box Carol Merrel was holding (go to jail for lude misconduct) You see, deputy Monte Hall caught me taking a whiz behind the Stables Lounge. He also caught Greg Thompson, but that dudes a fireman, so what does he Greg get Johnny? Well deputy Monte Hall, Greg gets (drum roll)'! I took door number one and the ticket. Maybe they were gonna can that deal makin' piece of crap.

I have had my guns stolen, my car stereo ripped, my tools pinched, my house burgled, my tail gate lifted, etc, etc, etc. And the only thing I ever got from the cops was a handful of tickets and a few lumps on my noodle. And I'm sure if any one of Tulsa's finest get a hold of this little note, I will get pulled over for an improper lane change and they will find 4 pounds of heroin, a couple of boxes full of child pornography, and a dead body in my trunk. The report will say that I resisted (
of course) so it should be no surprise that I'll get my ass tazed, maced, and billy clubbed with in an inch of my life. You can bet that my celly will be the biggest, meanest, homosexual in the jail, and that no one will have heard nothin' while I braided my roll of toilet paper into a rope and proceeded to hang myself from the top bunk. It's been nice knowin' y'all.

I'm sure it will look sometin' like this.

Guess where I'm goin'

Check this out.


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