Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dave Raun

---------------------------------Dave Raun

Hello friends,

THIS SUCKS!!! It is March 20th, in the year of our land lord, 2010, and it is snowing to beat the band. Yesterday was sunny and 73 degrees. I was wearing shorts and a mesh tank top...kidding...kidding, Tracy threw all of my mesh tank tops away last summer. I was wearing my black Cain's Ballroom XXL. Anyway, point is, this snowing crap is the pits. I hate it. I need to live where the palm trees grow wild and the bikini's run free...or the palm trees grow free and the bikini's run wild. Which ever, that's where I need to be. I am gonna channel all of my brain power and think this snow storm outta here, by God.

If you smell rubber burning, don't be alarmed, it's just my head.

I know she ain't runnin', but she will be once she gets a load a me...until Tracy catches her chasing me, then she's dead meat. CAT FIGHT!

Me First and the Gimme Gimmes are one of my fav-O-rite bands, and not only is Dave Raun one of me fav-O-rite drummers, he is one of the best drummers out there. One of the best baby, the best! If you need to, write his name down, cause their's gonna be a test. Dave also plays with 'Lagwagon'. Joey Capp (the guitar player with the dark hair in the Me First and the Gimme Gimmes videos) sings for Lagwagon, ta boot.
This should melt all the snow away.


Who Put The Bomp

Sorry about the sound on this , but you'll understand what I've been talkin' about after watchin' this little slice of heaven


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