Friday, July 10, 2009


Hello friends,

I am in a awful mood today. It's one of those days where anything anyone says annoys me. It seems that everyone has decided to inform me of my faults lately.
I'm to loud or to forgetful or I don't pay attention or I talk to much or how irresponsible I am or my sideburns are to big or that I'm just flat out dumber than a foot stool. And how everything I like to do is a waist of time and everything I don't do is what I should be doing. Now, I know I'm not the sharpest mouse in the sack but I know what my damn faults are. I don't need a bunch of goons telling me. Christ, if I'm that bad, than I would appreciate it if everyone would keep there stupid mouths zipped and try to put as much road between me and them as they possibly can. Like right now, someone is talking to me about computer updates. He's firing questions at me that I don't know, or even care to know. Can't he see I'm doing something I like? Something that is very, very important? Maybe he will read this over my shoulder and shut the hell up....Nope, no luck. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Maybe it's the heat that's getting to me or maybe I'm just getting grumpy in my old age or maybe it's my customer who won't pay me cause he won't have any money until next week. We didn't get to finish our conversation cause he had to meet his private trainer at the gym cause he hasn't got to work out in two weeks cause he's been in Florida on vacation. Or maybe it's the other one who I can't get a hold of cause he is at his yoga class. Yoga??? Good Lord. Back in my day we called 'yoga' strechin'. Then he has hand bell practice. WTF? I would like to kick him in the bells. But I should look on the bright side, I get to climb up in my attic and fix the water heater vent. It's only 447 degrees up there, no breeze, and the insulation sticks to my skin as the sweat pores down my back and in to my pants. If I'm not careful it'll rust my bells. But let me tell you something neighbors, if I'm told one more time to be sure and walk on the rafters I'm gonna choke someone!

Have a nice day.

Here is a little disturbing video I made a while back when I was in about the same mood as I am in today. Enjoy!


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