Thursday, July 23, 2009

9th Place, Edit, and the Gazillionaire Knight

The famous 3 thing-a-ma-jig
Hello friends,

Here are 3 things that have me pissed.

1) I played in two poker tournaments this week. I made it to the final table both times only to be the first one knocked out. I kept telling myself to pay attention and don't do anything stupid, but guess what, I went and done what I told myself not to go and do. I didn't pay attention and did something stupid. I tried to blame it on Tracy but she wouldn't go for it. What a loser. I'm like a rusty Fetsler valve, I crack under the force of a lot of water.

Number 2 has been removed on the grounds I might incriminate myself.

3) Sir Paul McCartney is coming to town and I can't afford a ticket. For those of you who knew me when I was a youngster, and were over to the Eddy abode, you will remember my walls covered with Beatle junk. I bought all the records, I had the books, I wore the shirts, I even knew how to sign George Harrison's autograph. I useta put that funny little goofy 3 thing-a-ma-jig that George always had hanging around by his name next to my signature (we are talking when I was in Jr. high here folks) Hell, I didn't even know what it meant...still don't. It might have meant 'Doesn't pay attention and will do something stupid' for all I know. So I figure since I contributed to Sir Paul being the richest bass player in the solar system, I should get one free ticket, by God! Just one is all I'm asking for. Two would be even better, but I will settle for one. Or they should at least make the damn tickets affordable for Christs sake. So come the evening of August 17th, I'm gonna be pouting around the house, feeling sorry for myself and making Tracy's life miserable. That'll teach Mr. Sir, high falootin', big shot, Beatle man Paul McCartney. That'll teach him good!

And by the way, what's with that 'Sir' crap. I think that if your a Knight, it should be mandatory that you joust someone at least a couple of times a year.

Since I am mad at the Hippopotamus (Paul was NOT the walrus, he was the hungry hungry hippo, John was the walrus. George was the bunny rabbit and Ringo was the chicken) here are some Beatle songs done by my good friends. If you would have stopped by my casa Sunday you could have had a burger, some beers, and some
censored with me, Joey (the singer) and Marky Starkey (the drummer) This first song kinda goes with 'reason I'm pissed' number 1.

You should here my right on imitation of the cartoon Ringo imitating the real Ringo. It's unbelievable. You said it daddy-O.

Hell, I guess I'll let 'him' sing one for me that kinda fits 'reason I'm pissed' number 3.


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