Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Pledge

Hello friends,

Well it's July 5th and I hope everyone still has all their fingers. I know this is gonna sound sappy and corny but I'm gonna say it anyway. We all bitch and complain non stop about a plethora of topics. From abortion to gay marriage to gun registration to welfare reform. We all seem to have something to say about everything. We argue and fight, we get pissed and cuss, we scream until we are red, white, and blue in the face. And do you know why? I don't mean 'why' we disagree, I mean 'why' we argue. The answer is 'because we can'. One thing we will all have to agree on is that brave men have given there lives so we can disagree. My Grandfather gave half of his foot and had his insides blistered by mustard gas for that right. The Argonne Forest in 1918 was not a fun place to be. It wasn't even a bad place to be. Bad doesn't even begin to describe it. It was a unimaginable place to be. Look at these pictures, can you imagine being there? Men have put themselves in places like that through out history for us countless times. So next time your on your soap box (like I am right now) remember the cats who made it possible.

'The Pledge' was sent to me from a dear friend. That is his beautiful daughter. What a smile. I think my Grandfather would be proud.

I am honored to be named after my Grandfather, Douglas Foster.

Here is some music.


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