Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Book and German Darts

Hello friends,

Well, guess what my dumb ass is doing. I am writing a book. Yes, it's true. The long anticipated conglomeration of my thoughts on how to save the world and educate the masses is in the works. Now if that doesn't sound like the end all to end all, I don't know what does... Ah hell, who's kiddin' who here? What a monumental waste of time this is gonna be.

What have I been doing lately, you ask. Well, I have been playing darts against a bunch of Germans on-line for money. I am playing as I write this and I am getting my ass handed to me by some chump named Sven that I should be killin'!


I have just won the last 3 in a row and Sven quit like a big German baby. Run away big German baby. Go change your stupid German baby diapers.

It looks like Christian is next. Little does he know, I'm like a herd of lions.
I better go before this slug beats me.

Oh yeah, the craziest thing happened to me the other day. Crazy by even my standards. I can't tell y'all what happened yet, but I will soon enough. This song is a hint.

This is The Lords Of The New Church bangin' 'Down Town'. Nicky Turner (drums) and Dave Tregunna (bass) are/were one of the best rhythm sections to play rock and roll. Dig it.

Brian James (guitar) and I shared a bottle of Mezcal many years ago. Remember that David? And of course hanging out with Stiv Bators (vocals) was unbelievable. R.I.P. Stiv.

'Method To My Madness'


1 comment:

Ms. Rachel said...

Thanks for reminding me of the dark side of my high school years. It was a pleasant surprise.

As for the book. It's about damn time!