Monday, September 21, 2009

Lady Coppers

Hello friends,

Well, I was this close to writin' y'all from the friendly confines of the David L. Moss Correctional Center in lovely north downtown Tulsa (don't ask me how I know where it is located) See, I was walking to the Fiesta Mart after that big rain storm we had today. As I was crossing the main thoroughfare, I see the police had the road blocked off cause a power line had been crashed into and knocked over. Then I notice a pick-up truck broke down on the side street with a nervous lookin' dude pacing around on his cell phone. Now I'm no Dick Tracy, but I figure he's the cat that whacked that pole. I doesn't look like the fuzz has spotted him yet, so I walk over and tell him if I was him I would leave the truck and amscray outta there. Vamoose. So, he heads off down the road and I head back to the Fiesta Mart. Next thing I hear is someone yell "Come back here!" It looks like the jig is up. Here come two (2) female coppers waddling up with there fancy utility belts a jing, jing, jing-a-lin. I turn around and one of them policettes holler "Which one of you was driving?" Great, here we go. I said that I had walked over there from my house. "Sure you did" she said "let me see your I.D." I reach for my wallet and grab a handful of nothin' but my fat ass. Damn it, I left my wallet at home. "I left my wallet at home, want me to walk home and get it?" I asked. "You stay right there, bud" (bud???) she ordered. She said "I'm not going to ask you again, who was driving?' "I don't know" I said. She raised her voice "Tell me which one of you was driving that truck" CRAP!!! I knew better, I didn't want to, but it happened anyway. I couldn't stop it. It was like when your sick and feel like your gonna puke. As hard as I tried it still came out. "I thought you weren't going to ask me that again" Well friends, they didn't think I was as funny as I do, it seems. I finally convinced them that I wasn't in the truck but, then they wanted me to tell them that I saw that one dude smash the pole, but I'm no snitch. They wanted me to tell them I saw him get out of the truck, but I'm no snitch. They wanted me to tell them that I saw him messin' around that truck, but I'm no snitch. They threatened to run me in for failure to cooperate with an investigation, but I'm no snitch. They finally told me to go home. I walked home on two legs like a man, not on all fours like a rat. There are enough rats and snitches in this world anyway, they don't need one more. They took that fella to jail anyway. It seems there were several other people around there willing to squeal like pigs for the fine women in blue. Oink, oink

I Fought The Law

Police Truck


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