Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spooky Stuff

Hello friends,

BOO! Well, Halloween is upon us and I am amped up. This is my second most fav-O-rite holiday there is. Every year Tracy and I go to that hi-falootin' shin-dig at the Brady. It's invitation only. Only very important people are on the guest list. VIPs only. Fortunately Tracy is one of them cause my name ain't no where near makin' that list. As a matter of fact, when you go in you have to show your invite, then sign in. This (the signing-in part) is what gets you on the list for the hoot-a-nanny next year. I have signed that damn thing for the past 5 years and those bastards have yet to send me one. I have a good mind to not even go this year, that'll teach'um...but friends, I'm weak. All those girls in all those skimpy out fits, my principles go only so far. Anyway, we always have a great time. This year Tracy is going as some kinda space girl. Her costume is pretty hot. She has glitter pumps and a dress sorta like Jane Jetsons but much more skimpier. I am gonna be her mindless side kick robot. I have rigged my costume up with lights and a jet pack (I had to have a place to store the batteries for the lights) and I made some shoes out of big square blocks of foam so I will have big, square, clunky, robot feet. I over do everything. They don't give a prize out for best costume, but after they see me they will probably give me something anyway. I was gonna write my mindless side kick robot name on my mindless side kick robot uniform. 'UNI69' but Tracy put the kibosh on that. She also didn't like '1104U'. She said no to 'Sex Machine' 'Robo Pounder' 'I'm Hard As Steel' and 'How About Some Squeaky Squeaky Klang Zing?' Kill joy. I will put some pictures on here after the party.

Here is some Halloween stuff ~ Enjoy!

One of my dumb ol' sisters had the 'Monster Dance Party' album back in the day. What a great cover. What a great album. Here is a song off of it.
This is 'Riboflavin Flavored, Non Carbonated, Polyunsaturated Blood'

Remember those stop motion Christmas specials? You know those creepy little puppets like things. Well, the cat that made those started makin' 'Mad Monster Party' starring Boris Karloff and Phillis Diller (1967) But he died before it was done. It got put on the shelf. When it was found, many years later, it was in pretty bad shape. Mildew or heat or film eatin' spiders or sometin' screwed it up. Point is, when it was found The Misfits put up the dough to have it restored and finished. It's pretty groovy.

There is a cat that makes movies named J. Niel. Now, he is always buggin' me tryin' to get tips and tricks on how to make a good film. I try to help. He's comin' along...slowly but surely. Here is 'Night of the Living Junkies'. Oh, you can check out his other stuff at
Drugs are very scary, kids!

Plan 9 ~ A way with words

Speakin'' of the Misfits, here is an old video I made just for Halloween a few years back. This is the Monster Mash.



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