Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Hate My Life

Hello friends,

"I hate my life" is what a friend of mine told me the other day. My reply was "Me too". Now friends, I have been thinking about this...cause...well...I'm a thinker. Which is kinda ironic considering the lowness of my intelligence quonset tally. Anyway listen, I'm not thinking about how time is relevant to black matter or how the hell to write an ambigram, I'm thinking of...well...usally stupid junk. But not today. If my friend or I really do 'hate my life' then why keep hanging around. I mean one quick tug on the ol' trigger and endless sleep, right? Well I figured it out...kinda. You see, it's gotta be that you stay in this life you hate cause of all the things in this life you love, family, friends, a good stake, music, spring mornings, being loved, floppin' a boat with a flush on the board, wind in your hair, a good pet, the ol' hubba-hubba, etc. It's not our life that we hate, that's to broad, it's the situation that we put ourselves in that we hate. But what do we do about it, you ask? Nothin'. Nothin' at all. And why, you ponder? Cause it's easy to fail. Hell, if I set out to fail I will win every time..........? I don't have to do nothin', just sit on my ass and let failure kick me right smack dab in the nuts. It's simple.


maybe it's not my life I hate, maybe I hate myself. Maybe I'm pissed for not taking advantage of the opportunities handed to me or regret not doing something because I was to scared that I would fail. Maybe subconsiously I thought I was beat before I started so why even try.


maybe I really do hate my life...I don't know.

This is good stuff, huh? People being murdered as we speak....speak? I mean, as I write this, and I'm thinkin' of this garbage. Man, I gotta figure out why I do this.

I love every thing about these little tunes.


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