Thursday, April 9, 2009

Little Ethel Merman

Hello friends,

My pussy cat, Little Ethel Merman, has lost his little pea pickin' mind. He does nothing but get in to trouble. He climbs up inside the chimney. He runs through the house like sprint car. He won't go around anything, he feels he must jump over it. He sends my basket of vitamins and aspirins that sit on top of the fridge crashing to the floor in the middle of the night. He meow, meow, meows, all the time. He tears up the paper. He knocks all the crap off my dresser. He drinks out off my glass when I'm not lookin'. He claws at my chair. He bothers me when I'm taking a shower. And I think he's even hidden my keys from me once or twice. Don't let the photo fool you, he may be the devil! Maybe his problem is that he was named after that loud mouthed Broadway singer and actress. He got the name because he can't keep his yapper shut, just like her.

Maybe I will pack him up and mail him to Brazil.

Here is Ethel Merman (the lady with the hat) in one of the funniest movies ever. If her mouth was any bigger it would have hinges on it.


1 comment:

Ms. Rachel said...

Awww... Lion in kitten clothing...