Saturday, March 7, 2009

What A Great Mother!

Hello friends,

There is a kid I work with that is kinda goofy. I say kid, he's 20. He lives with his mother and dead beat brother. Well, his mother was scheduled to leave today to go see his other dead beat brother who is in prison for burglary in Duluth or Schenectady or some stupid place. I can't remember and it that doesn't matter. So she was leaving today out of Tulsa International Airport. Well, here I come walking around the corner at work to see my boss and the kid just standing there staring at each other. My boss looks sick and is rubbing his bald noggin'. The kid has a blank stare and his eyes are welling up. As I walk up my boss said that the kid just got a text from his mother that read ~

I'm on the plane.
Something wrong with the engine.
We are going down.
I love you very much.

The kid looked at me and said "I don't know what to do. What should I do?" I asked if he knew what airline she was flying and he said no. So I said I will call the airport and see if they know anything. Well, I don't know there phone number so I called Tracy to have her look it up for me when he gets another text from his mother. It read ~

I'm just kidding.
We haven't boarded yet.

His mother did that to him! Can you believe that? What the hell is wrong with her? Anyway I tell Tracy that she can stop searching for the number and then I tell her what happened and she said that his mom was an idiot and shouldn't do things like that, then promptly informed me that I had forgotten to shut the living room windows and was inviting a bugler (like the kids brother) to rob us blind. And that I need to pay attention to what I'm doing because as of yet, I have failed to do so. So, she (the kids mother) not only scared her son half to death, she got me balled out. Stupid lady.

Here are my good buddies from Frisco singing a little tune about flying.


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