Thursday, December 25, 2008

Hello friends,

Ol' Gracy pulled it out for me again. She sold for about $2,500.00! That's two thousand five hundred dollareenies. I was hoping to get $2,000.00 for her if I was lucky, so I am very happy......about the money. I have written a gazillion songs with her and sang even more. It is hard to describe the weird relationship between a guitar player and his guitar. Well, I still have 'Blondie' and a couple of others. I'm not really a good enough player for her anyway. She needs to be with some cool jazz cat. I'm gonna miss ya gal.

Thanks to all of you who understood how I felt. Thanks for trying to talk me out of selling her and for the offers to buy her. You guys made my Christmas so much better.

Tracy got me a turn table that I can rig up to Squeaky Pete (my PC) for Christmas. Man, how cool is that? Now I can download all my old vinyl to Cd's. Right on! Thanks, kitten.

This is a version I'm sure you have never heard. This is kinda how I feel right now. I know, I know, I'm a dramatic sap.
