Friday, December 12, 2008

Bettie Page, The Rev, And The Best Girlfriend In The Whole Wide World!

Bettie Page
1923 ~ 2008

Hello friends,

Well, I just found out that Bettie Page died yesterday. She was 85. Most of you probably don't care or even know who she is, but in my circle she's a pretty big deal. Adios doll.

Tracy came up to me yesterday evening and asked "Who's the greatest girlfriend in the whole wide world?" Now friends, let me tell you something, I'm not so smart but I know the answer to that question. "You" I said with out hesitation, cause if I woulda hesitated I would be typing this with a busted lip and a mashed toe or two. Not to mention gift-less, cause when she asks me that she has something swell in store for me. The first time she asked me that a couple a years back I thought it was a trick question. Then my brain froze up and I couldn't remember her name. I'm standing there staring her in the eyes, the girl I live with, tongue tide. Think stupid, think. I was scared to death I was gonna say the wrong name (I don't work well under pressure) After stammering around for a second or two I screamed at the top of my lungs "TRACY!". She looked at me with that wrinkled forehead thing she does when I do something stupid and said "Why are you screaming at me?" "Ah....cause I love you so much?" I said. She just rolled her eyes and gave me this cool tin robot she bought for me. But yesterday I pulled it off with out a hitch and she whipped out to two tickets to the Reverend Horton Heat/Nashville Pussy show tonight at the Cain's Ballroom. She is the best girlfriend in the whole wide world! If you have never seen the Rev, you should. He puts on one of the best shows you will ever see.

For those of you how don't know, the night Tracy and I met (4 years or so ago) I asked her if she would like to go see the Rev with me, who was playing the following evening. She said she would love to go, then she stood my dumb ass up. She will have a tough time standing me up this time cause we live in the same house, plus I'm gonna keep my eye on her.

Here is a little movie I made that has a few shots of Bettie Page in it. Oh man, I love brunettes.

And here is the Reverend Horton Heat.


1 comment:

Ms. Rachel said...

Oh, man...

It's a sad day.

Enjoy the Rev