Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Hello friends,

Well, Christmas is almost upon us, so that means it is time for one of my very deep and thoughtful story's about the true meaning of Christmas. But you ain't gittin' one this year. No story about giving or helping or doing something good. No story trying to guilt you into doing the right thing or loving your fellow man. Nope, none of that crap, this is what your gittin'. And I believe this is the first time I have ever said this and I hope it's the last. I have always hated hearing people say these words, but here I go ~ I can't wait till it's over ~ There you have it. Christmas has always been my favorite holiday. I use to be the idiot humming along with the piped in Christmas music at the mall. I use to be the idiot who wore one of those stupid Santa hats and a red knit scarf around my neck tucked in to my super cool Johnny Ramone leather jacket. I was the idiot who played Santa at the company Christmas party last year. I am also the idiot who forgot to take off my neat-o Kieth Richards skull ring so it couldn't be seen in the photos with the kids. Sorry bout that kiddos. I use to be the idiot who gave money to the bell ringing Santa outside the store. I use to be. Now I'm just a regular, bitchin' and complainin' idiot like everyone else, and I don't like being like everyone else.

I am also sick and tired of listening to knuckleheads argue about people saying 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas'. Who cares?! I don't give a shit what you call it. Call it 'Butterscotch Bumpkin' Day' for all I care. There are more important things to get upset about than that. You say they are taking the 'Christ' out of Christmas? Aren't we all responsible for that in one way or another, with our lights, and our 'Black Friday', and our fancy wreath on the front of our SUV? Do you think that God is so weak that people saying 'Happy Holidays' instead of 'Merry Christmas' will kill him? Do you?! If you do your stupid. Have we all forgotten what Christmas is all about? Remember what the ghost of Jacob Marley said to Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens 'A Christmas Carol' he said ~

"Business! Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!"

Christmas is the day that we not only celebrate the birth of Christ, but the birth of a new beginning. A new beginning for all people. All people. Their are a lot of people out there that know the book, but don't know the man.

Well, I lied. I got pissed off and told you the meaning of Christmas anyway, like I said I wasn't gonna do. Sorry.

Did you know that suicides are not greater around the holidays? Hard to believe but true.

Here is a Christmas song.......yippee.


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