Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Big 1

Hello friends,

Well, I have gone and done it. I have caved in to the pressure and got one of these do-whichits. Besides, my e-mail list was to big for Yahoo to send it, some of you were complainin' about all the replies, and I have been thinking about doing this for a while anyway. But truth be known, I hate the idea of being a "blogger". Before I was just an e-mailer, now look at me. I guess it's kinda like doin' drugs, one day your smokeing a joint with some friends behind the Q-Spot, then before you know it your bangin' heroin under you eye lid in the Hollywood Hills. Anyway, I hope this is easier for y'all. Christ, the things I do for you.




Brigitte said...

I appreciate all of the suffering you do to post this blog. And finding just the right music clips is tough too!

christine said...

I am reading laughing and loving it.

PS. where is the speel check?