Friday, January 8, 2010

Trenton 'Dozer' Beaver

Hello friends,

Well, today I was gonna write and tell y'all a bit about my book 'Drowning In The Shallow End Of The Dream Pool' and give y'all a couple of lines from it....but....let me back up a smidgen. Everything I write, I write in my e-mail. That way I can access it from any PC and if Squeaky Pete decided to crash and burn, I would still have it. So, today I go to my e-mail and I see that my friend Judi was asked to send out a prayer request from a old classmate, Joe Miller. This is what it said...

...Tenton "Dozer" Beaver....has been diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer called glioblastoma multiforme that has only been diagnosed in just a dozen or so children. In early December, Trenton started experiencing seizures which sent him to St. Francis Hospital in Tulsa.....Dozer had brain surgery and the doctor gave the family the most devastating and horrible news that parent or grand parent could hear. Dozer had 3 malignant brain tumors, two were operable with no promises and the other one was too deep to get to without permanently destroying all motor skills on the left side of his body. The biopsy revealed a very aggressive, rare form of cancer with a harsh prognosis, they basically told them to take Dozer home and let him enjoy his Christmas because without a miracle this would most likely be his last.....Dozer could sure use any extra prayers anyone could spare to send up in his behalf. Thanks in advance for all your help.....a Care Page set up in Dozers name so if any one wants to read and follow his progress, please feel free to do so...Here is the link to his page.

I went to this web site to check on Trenton 'Dozer' and this what I read...

...Trenton is back in the hospital and having a tough day.
Please pray for peace, rest, and strength for Dozer.

Makes my stupid book seem kinda insignificant. The next person I hear bitch about how crappy their Christmas was is gonna hear about Trenton and then get busted right in the teeth, I swear.

So, my friends, what ever you do to channel your powers, whether it's praying or chanting or dancing around the camp fire, get to doin' it. Even if you don't really believe in anything, just put some positive thoughts out there for Trenton and his family.

Here is a tune I post from time to time. It means the world to me on so many different levels. I hope you can dig it. This is for Dozer from me and all of my people.


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