Sunday, September 13, 2009

All Aboard

Hello friends,

There has been a lot of really sad news lately. Nothing national, just random misfortune linking souls together through a spider web of friendship. I read an e-mail from an old friend of mine, Alicia Brown, and she wrote ~

" ...I thank God every day for the memories. I feel that the best for thing for me to do right now is to share the memories that I have, smile always, laugh often, love life, value everything we touch, and pass this on to our children."

I think this is very good advice. Now, I don't have any children to pass anything along to (if I did have kids I'm sure I would have misplaced them by now so It's probably for the best) So I am gonna give you, my friends, some memories. This is for y'all who grew up in Tulsa through the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Now I wasn't born until 1976 but I have a couple of much older sisters who told me about this stuff. If you weren't raised in Tulsa or you are to young to remember any of this, I hope you enjoy some of it anyway.

------------------ ***

Allllllll aboard!!! We are now loading at gate 13 at the Eddy International Memory Train Station for passengers traveling to the past. Have your tickets ready cause the ticket taker don't like waitin'. We will be departing immediately, so hang on to your hats.

First stop John Chick Junction ~

All off for Scream in the Dark ~

Have your ticket ready for the King Town~

Next stop Uncle Zebville ~
(what the hell is he talkin' about?)

You don't have to get off here if you don't want to but next stop is Lindaburg ~

For your entertainment we have Tulsa's own JJ Cale ~

And now the movie for the VIP passengers ~

I hope you enjoyed your trip, now get off my memory train before I think about something that could land us all in jail.


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