Saturday, October 31, 2009

October 31st 2009

Hello friends,

Well, it's here, October 31st! Halloween. Party night! My fav-O-rite night of the year (no kiddin') It's 9:30pm and my party should be crankin' up pretty soon. We don't usually show up till 11:00 or 11:30 or 12:00. I have the greatest costume of all time. My mindless robot side kick is aces, I'm tellin' y'all. I would have someone take a photo of me wearing it to show you just how unbelievable it is, but there is one little hitch...I ain't wearin' it. It's in a pile on the floor. The big, foam block, robot shoes, the jet pack, and the action utility belt that lights up, the whole shootin' match is right there behind me in a ball on the floor. I must have over 200 bucks tied up in that pile of crap, and I can't tell you how many hours. And there it is...just layin' there...behind a ball...on the floor. What a bunch of malarkey. I won't go into why we aren't going, but of course it was all my usual. Did I say 'What a bunch of malarkey'? I'm sorry, what I meant to say was 'What a bunch of bull shit!' I'm pissed. Hell, I bought her stupid costume too. I don't believe I am a good enough writer to convey to y'all just how I am feeling right now. So I will stop. Happy Halloween and kiss my ass.

Maybe this song can kinda help me out explaining my mood tonight.

Adios and kiss my ass again,

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