Friday, October 23, 2009

Mr. Wolf part 2

Hello friends,

Well the craziness never seems to end around the ol' Eddy hacienda. I noticed I had received two comments on my Armin Wolfe story. Well, I said to myself, Eddy ol' boy it looks like two of the flock have decided to praise your Mark Twain writing skills, splashed with your Will Rogers wit. Two of the hole 19 are gonna inform me the God has given me a talent unparalleled, and how lucky they were to be one of the 19 friends on my page (I go for quality not quantity) But again, and as usual that wasn't the case. What was the case was, the two comments were from Mr. Wolf's two daughters! Man, was I floored. It seems he went by the name of Mike or that was his name or something. I got kinda confused trying to figure it all out, but they called him Mike none the less. It's kinda funny (not in a ha ha funny kinda way) cause I thought about someone close to him reading it, and I didn't think that they would think it was all that appropriate. You know the 'wrinkled noggin and brushing the dentures' stuff. Especially the 'fear in his eyes and falling down' part. I wouldn't have written that stuff if I thought his daughters were gonna read it. But, they seemed pleased with it (shocked anyway) I was expecting to read one of those 'punch in the snoot' e-mails I usually get.

It seems that Mr. Wolf was a pilot in Vietnam and retired a major (thank you for that) He was just passin' through Oklahoma (or leaving it) on his way back to Colorado. He had three daughters and one son, four grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. He played high school football and loved the Denver Broncos (we won't hold that against him)

I don't know how his daughters came across my story, but to think that they found this story in this whole Internet spider web conglomeration mess is nuts. Hell, you guys don't get'um...and I send'um to you. Jeez, I don't know what to think. How crazy is that? He loved the Denver Broncos. Just when I thought it couldn't get any stranger.

His youngest daughter wrote this ~

"On a final note, my dad would have been proud to read this post that was written in his honor, so again, thank you. The tears I cried at the end of reading it were very much the happy kind"

I guess I don't screw everything up I do. I wish they would have left an e-mail address, there are things I would like to tell them that I didn't put in my story. I'm gonna go now, I'm a little freaked out.

Here is some music.


1 comment:

Lynn said...

We would love to hear anything else you would like to share with us about Dad.