Saturday, November 14, 2009

Friday the 13th

------------Little Ethel Mermen and Jerry Lee ~ hangin' out in a box

Hello friends,

Well, I have really crawled into my cave today. Man, I don't want to go any where near outside. God only knows what will happen to me. I feel like Wylie Coyote. I wouldn't be surprised if an anvil hanging from some rock formation with a candle slowly burning the rope holding it, fell and cracked my noodle. I don't even have an umbrella to open before it drives me into the ground like a big, fat, nail. Friday the 13th is right. I wrenched my knee yesterday and I can hardly walk. I haven't slept in what seems like a year. One of my customers won't pay me because his renter fell through. (?) I don't know, but It seems to me that his renter bailing out is his problem, not mine. Somebody keeps tossing me curve balls and is making it very difficult to bat. I feel all empty inside with this kinda tickling' feeling in my stomach. I feel like there is a big spring compressed in my chest and any minute it is going to uncoil and Christ only knows what the hell is gonna happen then. I guess it will rip me to shreds. Boinggggggggg!!!

I sure miss Little Ethel Merman following me around and meow, meow, meowing. And Piggy (my first catch) playing dead and telling me when it's time for dinner. And StanleyMan (my most rewarding catch) sitting next to my chair waiting for some pets. And daddy's girl, Smudge, who has finally come around......and Tracy. And nobody knows when I'll get to see them again.

It's 3 o'clock in the AM and I can't sleep. It might be the bunk bed I made into a fort. Fort Mullet, the protector of the West Side (Dale Earnhardt shirt required ~ teeth optional) But, there has been a glimmer of light on the far side of the r-can-saw river. Frank's pregnant girl friend Angie has been completely wonderful. I didn't really know her that well before, but she has treated me like she's happy that I'm here (but I know it is an inconvenience) Even tho I tell her I'm not hungry, she always fixes me a plate of food at diner time. She made some home made chocolate chip cookies last night that were soooooo good. She is a good person and I like her (Franks OK, too)

This is for Angie. Now folks, don't take me puttin' this song on here the wrong way. This is the only song I know that has her name in it, except for that Helen Reddy song about that crazy chick, 'Angie Baby'. Plus it's a great song. Dig it.


PS ~ If you have called and I didn't answer or haven't returned it, don't be offended. I'm hiding.

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