I always write my top 10 things I'm thankful for on Thanksgiving. I write a bunch of crap that I think is clever and witty, but more often than not it's simply just that...crap. Then I splash on all of that family, friends, and health, garbage. Let's be truthful, your thankful for these things because you think your suppose to be. Are you really thankful for your family? Deep down inside yourself, where no one can see, deep in the darkness of your soul, where you don't even like to go, don't you sometimes think about how nice it would be if you hadn't gotten married and didn't have any kids? Your a liar if you say you don't.
I like all that be thankful for what you got, guff. 'There are starving kids in China' How hard is it to find someone less fortunate than yourself? If you gotta go all the way to China before finding one....well...it's probably time to fire up the Mercury, climb in, and take a nap.
Or the 'I'm thankful I'm not as bad off as someone else' junk. I should be thankful I don't have cancer like so-in-so. He's thankful he's not dead like his friend he met at the Cancer Treatment Center of America. That guys thankful he doesn't have to deal assholes like us anymore. Your in bad shape if the only thing you have to be thankful for is that you don't have some terrible disease.
Here is my list this year. Enjoy.
1) I am thankful that I don't live in China.
2) I am thankful that I don't have bubonic plague.
3) I am thankful that there are people with disease and starving so I have something to be thankful for.
4 ) I am thankful that my dick is small, that way my pants fit right.
5) I am thankful that I am to dumb to understand what's going on.
6) I am thankful that I am to ugly to get a good lookin' girlfriend, cause it doesn't hurt quite as bad when a homely chick breaks up with you.
7) I am thankful that I don't have yellow puss running out of every orifice on my body in to a vat and then force feed back to me. (I'm very thankful for that one)
8) I am thankful that I get angry instead of sad.
9) I am thankful that all of this will come to an end someday.
10) I am thankful that no one reads this shit.