Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Ramones vs Styx, Journey, and REO

Hello friends,

When I was in high school my friends usta give me a hard time about being a Ramones fan. They would joke about how weird Joey looked and would imitate the 1-2-3-4 count like Corky from 'Life Goes On' was calling it out. Now, they were listening to sorry crap like Styx, Journey, and REO Speedwagon. For some stupid reason they thought that was good music. See, the corporate big shots brain washed their tiny pea brains in the 'tiny pea brain, brain washing conspiracy of the 1970's' conspiracy back in the 70's. They couldn't help it cause they got tiny pea brains. Anyway, now that time has passed and I can look back, I can see just how tiny their brains actually were and how I had super future X-ray vision for cool junk. It was obvious to me cause The Ramones didn't have kinky perms or write a song about their hair dresser Mr. Roberto like that girl singer for Styx did (That is a true story about the song Mr. Roboto. How sick and sad is that?) The Ramones didn't cancel a gazillion shows cause their throats were sore like that girl singer for Journey did(The Ramones played 2,263 shows, roughly as many as The Grateful Dead) The Ramones didn't wear tight spandex pants on their big fat asses like that girl guitar player for REO did (The Ramones wore jeans with holes in the knees) The Ramones didn't play state fairs, revival shows, or the Wind Jammer in East Tulsa like those three slugs. The Ramones didn't have some stupid band name that some num-skull thought sounded cool, like Boston, Foreigner, or Supertramp (The Ramones got the band name from a story that Paul McCartney called himself Paul Ramone when the Beatles were playing the bars in Hamburg, Germany before they were famous. See, that way some young fraulein couldn't track him down if he knocked her up. That's why they all took the last name Ramone as well) A few years back some one decided to put together a Ramones tribute album and the likes of U2, Pearl Jam, Kiss, Metallica, Marylin Manson, The Red Hot Chile Peppers, Foo Fighters, Rancid, Green Day, The Offspring, Rob Zombie, Garbage, The Pretenders, and Tom Waits all recorded songs for it. Hell, Joey Ramone has a street named after him in New York City, and the nations largest metropolis celebrated Joey Ramone day ta-boot. That's a little different than having a dirt road named after you and a wing-dig that evening in Afton or Pawhuska. The Ramones raised several hundred thousand dollars for the 911 families, did benefits for the homeless, and even gave money to by Kevlar for the New York City Police Department. The Ramones were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on their first ballot in 2002. Those other three bands haven't even been nominated.

Just because a singer has a 6 octave voice or a guitar player can run scales up and down the neck of his guitar to beat the band, doesn't mean their any good. As a friend of mine said to some jack ass who was bashing the Ramones "Rock and roll isn't about great musicians, it's about great music." Well said, friend. He wasn't one of my tiny pea brained friends.


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