Thursday, February 12, 2009


Hello friends,

My friend Jimmy Strader had heart surgery a couple of days ago. He got through the ticker fixin' but the doctors said he will be in ICU for 20 days. 20 days?!?! Christ, what a drag. I guess I should take him something to read or something. MAD magazine maybe. You know when it comes to talent, God looks down and touches some people, some he chooses to skip (thank you very much) but some he elects to kick right in the keyster. Well my friends, Jimmy got two boots fulls. I tell you, every time I have a chance to hang out with him I walk away better for it. He always teaches me something. When I was a younger, I was a tad frustrated that I wasn't as good as some (any) when it came to strummin' on that ol' box of mine. I will never forget what Jimmy told me, he said (and I quote) "Rock and roll isn't about great musicians, it's about great music" Wow. The clouds parted. I get it now. It all makes sense to me. Now that I am older, I understand that what he was saying was nothing like what I thought he meant (?) It's kinda like when a chick that you have just spent the night with tells you "It's doesn't matter how big it is, it's what you do with it" Thanks a lot. Nothing sadder than a bad guitar player with a short pecker.

Here is Jimmy (on bass) with Steve Pryor, Steve Hickerson, and David Teegarden. The sound quality isn't the greatest but dig on it anyway.

I was gonna try and keep the ranting and raving to a minimum but I just watched the clip and I must say ~ Jesus Christ, Strader and Pryor are as good as anybody on this planet, anybody, and you can kiss my ass if you don't think so. Sorry Jim. (He hates it when I say crap like that)

Jimmy get well soon and I promise I will be at your first gig back. Standing there like some slack jawed yokel, as usual. (That outta get him a-goin')


1 comment:

MichelleInOklahoma said...

I just learned Jimmy passed away this morning.
What a loss.
He was an incredible human being, musician and GENTLEman. He will be greatly missed.