Sunday, January 4, 2009

Stu 'the Kid' Ungar

Hello friends,

Well, I hope you all survived the new year. Tracy and I didn't do a thing...I mean we didn't go any where. Now, I'm up early this morning cause I can't sleep, you see I won this poker tournament a while back and first place got their entry fee paid in this $100,000.00 tournament. I have been kinda on a role lately (with cards, nothing else) I hadn't played much since hold'em got so popular a couple of years back. I couldn't stir up a good poker game around here to save my life, everyone wanted to play for coins and have a bunch of wild cards and play carnival cards. Christ, I use to have to drive to Kansas City to play. Then the World Poker Tour came along and before you know it, every swingin' dick that could play Old Maid had read Doyle Brunsons book, got some sun glasses and thought he was Stu Ungar. It's funny, poker is like sex. Every one thinks they are great at it. Most aren't. Now as far as I go....well, I'm a sexual Tyrannosaurs. So Monday if you see me in a new car, then you will know that Daddy-O Grande threw the wood to chumps. I gotta go get some sleep. Wish me luck.


1 comment:

"Too Low" said...

Well, it's good to see we all made it another year. Another year... What will we make of it? Will we look past all the doom and gloom? Will we ignore the media's relentless attempt to put this great nation on its last leg? Will we get though it? Yes, we will, as we always have. How?...Well, first you have to understand that everything, everything happens in cycles. Whether it be the environment (by the way 2008 will go down as the coldest year in the last 10 years), or mower sales (Tecla, it's good to see you here. Hope you are well!), or relationships (we all have our ups and downs). The most important thing is what we do on the down cycle. The down cycle brings us back to reality. It makes us rethink things. It makes us stronger. I actually like the down cycle, because it centers us and makes us prioritize things. The only downside of the down cycle is if you don't learn anything from it. It is up to you, whether you are a nation, a business, or an individual. FYI...we are all of those.

Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.

Do with 2009 what you will; after all we still live in a free country!
