Thursday, December 31, 2009

Tiger Woods vs. The Taliban

Hello friends,

I think it is great that there have been two crazies try to blow up planes here in the U.S., suicide bombers blasting Americans to kingdom come in Afghanistan, unemployment through the freaking' roof, not to mention all the starving people on our city streets, and all I here from the media is about that stupid Tiger Woods. Wow, it's hard to believe that a good lookin' gazillionaire is giving' a bunch of chicks a 'damn good seenin' too'. How we all love to watch peoples lives crumble right before our eyes. Now, that's news! Give me more.

Here is some news. My good friend Jason 'C-Note' Baker is playin' with Joan Jett now days. Check him out here strummin' and doin' a little back up singin'.


Sunday, December 27, 2009


-------------Stay away from this guy. He will only get you in trouble!

Hello friends,

Well, I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas. Mine was pretty all right. I got to see a couple of people that I haven't seen in a while, which was pretty cool and I didn't end up in the hoosegow like one of my stupid friends did. I guess I'm pretty lucky that I didn't wind up behind bars tho. You see, Scott Jobe and I went to Tahlequah the day before Christmas eve. We hung out with some old friends at Ned's Bar that we went to college with. We had a few drinky winkies (Bushmill's on the rocks for yours truly) Well, I guess it was 2 or 3 in the morning and I am driving Scott's SUV back to Tulsa while Scott is tossin' some explosives he had gotten' his hands on, out the passenger side window. I mean to tell you, when those babies went off it shook the truck, and hell, we were a quarter of a mile down the road by then. They didn't just go boom, they gave it that double!!! We were laughing so hard we were crying (especially when Scott burnt his thumb...well, I was laughing anyway) Man, are we lucky we didn't blow ourselves to smithereens. That would have been a nice Christmas gift for my mom, me delivered to her house in a Hefty bag with a big red bow on it. Scott Jobe is a very, very, bad influence.

Speaking of Smithereens...

and speakin' of boom boom...
